Wednesday, November 23, 2016

second trimester symptoms in pregnant women

second trimester problems / symptoms for pregnant women

The second trimester or pregnancy is from the 13th or 14th week to the 27th or 28th week . The second period is also called the honeymoon period of pregnancy. During the second trimester, some of the major annoyances and emotional rollercoaster of the first trimester are likely to dimnish in most pregnant women.

Most pregnant women often wonder how soon they can feel the quickening ( movement of the baby or foetal movements in the uterus ). The first movements of the baby / foetus ( usually called quickening)  in the uterus  is usually felt by the pregnant mother in the second trimester ( usually between the 15th and 20th week of pregnancy or even as late as the 25th week ) . The movement of the baby is usually felt like fluttering  of butterflies or muscle twitches or tapping  by the mother. It is one of the biggest milestones / best feeling for the pregnant mother especially if it is her first pregnancy. The movements will later become more frequent and more forceful and could be felt as pokes, kicks etc from the inside by the baby.

Some women start to feel aches in the abdominal region in the second trimester due to the expansion in size of the uterus region. Some pregnant women feel breathlessness in the second trimester. This might be due to increase in progresterone hormone which might make the brain to tell the lungs to take deep breaths to get more air required for the growing baby in the uterus. Breathlessness might be common in most pregnant women, but anaemia is also a cause of breathlessness and tiredness for some pregnant women.

There is a huge increase in the levels of estrogen in pregnant women during the second trimester from the placenta which increases the blood flow in the vaginal region and give a bluish tinge to the labia, cervix and vaginal region ( called Chadwick's sign, an early sign of pregnancy ) . There is also increase in the secretions in the vagina and higher levels of oxytocin . All of this will lead to higher levels of libido / turned on feeling and arousal for the pregnant woman.

The increase in hormones like estrogen during pregnancy alter the normal hormonal balance in the vagina and there might be increase of glycogen levels leading to yeast infections in the vagina during the second trimester. These yeast infections might lead to symptoms like itching in the vaginal region and thick white discharges ( sometimes with smell like bread yeast ).

The waistline of the pregnant woman will begin to show visible bumps in the second trimester and she might have to start wearing bigger size clothes.  Usually a pregnant woman gains between 25 to 30 pounds  (around 11 kg ) during pregnancy. But the weight gain is not in a uniform manner throughout the pregnancy. Most of the weight is gained during the second trimester (some of it might be because of  the increase of water levels ).

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