Monday, November 21, 2016

Anxiety in pregnant women

First prenatal appointment and anxiety in pregnant women

Women usually wonder when to have the first prenatal appointment with their doctor and what kind of doctor to see for the first prenatal appointment and to monitor the pregnant women during their pregnancy .  Some women consult their obgyns ( obstetrician / gynecologist ). Some women will consult a midwife. Some family doctors may also monitor the health of the pregnant woman. The first meeting with the medical practitioner will be usually around 8 weeks after the LMP ( last menstrual period ). The woman  may have to schedule the appointment with the medical practitioner as soon as she knows that she is pregnant using a home pregnancy test ( HPT , missing of period along with swollen tender breasts ) ( or whatever other method she used ).

Then the woman will wonder what actually happens during the first prenatal appointment and if it would be good to bring her husband / fiancee or partner with her for the first prenatal appointment which will also usually be long. They will wonder if the husband / partner might miss something in the first prenatal exam or just might have to sit in boredom in the doctors waiting room. In some hospitals the male partner will not be allowed in when  personal questions are asked to the pregnant woman. But in some hospitals, questions are asked about the health history of  both the female and male side of the family and the husband / male partner might be helpful to answer some of the questions. If it is a first time pregnancy , both the pregnant woman and her husband / male partner might have questions to ask of the doctor also. It is better to make a list of your questions / concerns.

In the first prenatal examination by the doctor , some will confirm the pregnancy  with a blood test, there might be a physical exam, pelvic exam ,some blood tests, urine test , blood pressure test, height, weight etc. Some doctors might do an ultrasound during the first appointment in order to check on the foetus, its position, its heartbeat and also to date the pregnancy and give an expected due date of childbirth .(or the ultrasound will be outsourced at some other lab and might not be done in the doctor's office ) Some might do the ultrasound at 12 weeks. Most women usually would like their husband to be with them for the first ultrasound / sonogram of their baby. It will be easier for the pregnant woman to try to schedule their doctor's visits around their husband's schedule also if that is possible . The doctor will also set up the schedule for the next series of visits ( usually once a month upto 4 months, then once in two weeks upto the 36th week of pregnancy and then weekly upto childbirth ).

The first prenatal visit might sometimes trigger anxiety attacks in some first time pregnant women. They might start worrying about the size of their house, the amount of money they are making , about when to tell their employer about their pregnancy ( if the pregnant woman is employed )and the financial implications of their pregnancy like student loans and when to publicly announce the pregnancy. Some women wonder if they will make good parents. Some women always worry if something might go wrong and worry too much about every abdominal pain and wonder why they are not feeling some of the common pregnancy symptoms they see on the internet. Some women will also squeeze their boobs to check if they are still sore. Some of the anxiety might be due to the increase of certain hormones during pregnancy.

testing for pregnancy     )

( trying to concieve ttc )

( first trimester of pregnancy }

( second trimester of pregnancy )

( third trimester of pregnancy )

( labour and child birth )

tips on male fertility )

(  bipolar disorder medicines during pregnancy )

changes-in-women-after-childbirth )

ttc after 30 )

( some information about knives )
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